Zonasnap,Free BlackBerry Screen Capture Application

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 22 Desember 2010 0 komentar
ZonaSnap is a free BlackBerry screen capture application which allows you to capture the screen of your BlackBerry phone. BlackBerry ZonaSnap application is developed by Javiergv (Staff of ZonaBlackBerry). ZonaSnap is very easy to use and also highly practical. it gives you a range of options such as save, send as email and send to Photobucket. It’s the union of these features what makes ZonaSnap unique. The application is available in two languages English and Spanish.

BlackBerry ZonaSnap application Features:
* Two modes of execution: from the main icon, it is best to configure the application in one of the convenience keys; or from the menu item, this item will be added to your BlackBerry menu by default after installation.
* Very easy to use.
* Notifies that the capture was taken with a brightness of the LED and a short vibration.
* Preview of the snap.
* Send to Photobucket, ideal for people that host images on the web.
* Image Code, After the capture is sent to Photobucket, you will receive a notification in a window reporting that the image code has been received and has been inserted into Memopad.
* Send as email.
* Save Capture, This option allows you to save the screenshot to the SD card, if the SD card is not installed on your unit, the capture is saved in the device´s memory.
*All screenshots are stored in the format: Capture on (Date) at (Time). Jpg
* Very useful for discussing problems with the device, like an error code, symbols, among others.

BlackBerry ZonaSnap application supported BlackBerry storm, Bold,Tour, Curve series, pearl series,8700 series,etc. you can download ZonaSnap application for your BlackBerry from http://zonablackberry.com.ve

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Free Blackberry Application : Facebook Application

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Stay on your socialize community with this Facebook Application on your Blackberry gadget. This free application makes Facebook services - like sending messages, poking friends, writing wall posts, inviting friends to join and uploading photos - available on the go! Take Facebook wherever life takes you and don't miss a beat! Improved with new Place feature.

Download it free from your Blackberry Application World

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Merlin Season 3 Episode 10

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 November 2010 0 komentar
I actually meant to comment on this episode earlier but just forgot to do so. So, before I forget again....


The tenth episode of the third season to the popular BBC series Merlin aired on Saturday, November 13, 2010. The episode was titled "Queen of Hearts" . The episode begins with a marriage scene between Arthur and Gwen. Of course, I think all of us Merlin fans were going "What on earth? When did this happen? And where did Uther go? (Not that we really care for him. LOL)" and half of us going "Yay, Arthur and Gwen finally married!". However, the happiness doesn't last for long as we quickly realized that this was only one of Morgana's visions of the future (Sigh, guess we'll just have to wait a bit longer). In order to prevent her vision from coming true, Morgana plans to brand Gwen as a witch. Knowing their love for each other, Morgana tricks Arthur and Gwen into going on a picnic. Meanwhile, she follows with Uther, who finds Arthur and Gwen kissing and becomes angry. Uther gives Arthur two choices: either Arthur agrees to never see Gwen again or Gwen will be banished from Camelot. Arthur, of course, refuses to agree and Uther is at a lost as what to do. Morgana furthers her plan by convincing Uther that Arthur only in love with Gwen because she is  witch and has enchanted him with a love spell. Gwen is thus wrongly accused of witchcraft and ordered to be burnt at the stake. Merlin, now, must figure out a way to save Gwen before it's too late. He uses an aging spell so that he may be caught putting a love spell under Arthur's pillow. He, instead, is accused and ordered to be burnt at the stake while Gwen is declared innocent and freed. Merlin tries to escape but is unable to reverse the effects of the powerful aging spell. Now it's Gaius's turn to figure out an antidote to the spell fast before Merlin is burnt (Of course, being the main character, we all know that nothing will happen to Merlin. After all, there's still three more episodes after this one and the show can't go on without Merlin!). Gaius is able to fix the antidote in time and Merlin is returned to normal. The only damage done was that Arthur thought that Merlin had spent his entire day at the tavern and now Merlin must spend the afternoon cleaning out the stables.

There are two major things that didn't quite make sense to me. We knew in a previous episode (Episode 9: The Eye of the Phoenix) that Gwen saw Morgana casting magic and now distrusts her. She event went to Gaius to confess her doubts about Morgana's intentions! However, at the beginning of the episode, Gwen acts as if nothing of the sort happened. You would think that there would be at least some sort of noticeable change in behavior in Gwen when she's around Morgana. Only after seeing Morgana smile while Gwen is being dragged out to be burnt at the stake that Gwen suspects Morgana again. Hello, you should have suspected her earlier!

Second, Merlin was imprisoned because he was unable to reverse the effects of the aging spell. While his physical self certainly isn't as mobile as he was before, his magical abilities should not have diminished. Why spend your entire day rotting in jail and waiting for you to be burnt at the stake when you could have just blasted the freakin' door open with your magic, run back to Gaius, and figure things out later? But, no, Merlin has to wait until the very last minute to escape.

One of the good things about this episode though was that Merlin had the chance to criticize Uther without fear. After all, Uther wouldn't recognize him and he was going to the dungeons anyhow. I got quite a kick seeing Merlin do that. Someone needed to yell at Uther for all the executions he handed out.                         

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Merlin Season 3 Episode 12

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Part one to the season finale for the third season of Merlin BBC aired Saturday, November 27, 2010 and is title "The Coming of Arthur - Part One". Arthur and Merlin are on a quest to retrieve the Cup of Life, a magic artifact that will make anyone who drinks from its cup immortal, before the Cup falls into Cenred's hands. Of course, unbeknown to everyone, Morgana overhears this and reports it to Morgause. While on their quest, Arthur and Merlin are captured by the slave trader Jarl. There, they meet up with Gwaine who help them to escape. Arthur and Merlin retrieve the cup from the druids and are just on their way back to Camelot when Cenred finds them. His soldiers wound Arthur and steal the Cup of Life. Cenred's soldiers drink from the Cup of Life and are thus made immortal. They march on Camelot, intending to finally bring down the great citadel. Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine rush back to Camelot only to find the citadel in ruins. The village has been ransacked, all the Knights of Camelot slaughtered, and King Uther imprisoned. Arthur and company reunite with Elyan and Gaius in the castle. While Gwaine takes Elyan and Gaius out of the castle, Arthur and Merlin approach the throne room. There, they see Morgana crowned as Queen of Camelot and Arthur and Uther are still in disbelief that Morgana had been capable of such evil. The episode ends with a closeup shot of both Arthur and Merlin hiding in the balcony, and we'll just have to wait for part two of the season finale.

First off, I can't believe that there's only one more episode before Season 3 of Merlin ends! Wow, time went by fast. I remember just starting to watch the season in September. I guess that's the problem when all your seasons are only thirteen episodes long. Judging from the previews of the next episode, it seems that there will be a battle, if not final, between the forces of good and evil magic. Arthur will be going up against Morgana for the throne, and Excalibur will finally be revealed by the Lady of the Lake (possibly Freya). The Great Dragon will also be joining in on the fun. I wonder if this means that Merlin will finally reveal to Arthur his long kept secret. After all, you can't really have a final battle for Camelot without anyone wondering why a bunch of magical beings are helping Arthur. But, then again, Merlin has done a good job of protecting Arthur without him knowing his secret. While I really want Merlin to finally reveal his secret and have magic once more allowed in Camelot, I also don't want the series to end. Merlin telling Arthur just might mean the end of the series, but I really think that the creators should continue and detail Arthur's rule on the throne. Whatever the case may be, I'm really hoping for a Season 4. Say aye if you agree, all you Merlin fans!!

But I guess that some of the rumors about the series I mentioned in an earlier post were wrong. Arthur has yet to see things that would change his mind about the true nature of magic, nor did we see any Merlin and Freya time. However, since this season is not yet over, there's still hope that these things will be mentioned in the last episode of the series. But, that is indeed quite a lot to stuff in a mere 40 minutes and those things will have to happen rather suddenly.

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Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 November 2010 0 komentar
Professor Layton and the Curious Village is the first installment in the Professor Layton series for the Nintendo DS. The game is a puzzle/adventure one where the player controls the movements of Professor Layton (voiced by Christopher Miller) and his young assistant Luke (voiced by Lani Minella) around the small village of St. Mystere. The Baron Augustus Reinhold has just passed away and left a puzzle in his will. Whoever can find the Golden Apple will be entitled all of Reinhold's lands. There are a total of 135 puzzles and players will have to solve them in order to advance within the story. Solving puzzles will earn you points called picarats but make a wrong guess and the number of picarats earned will decrease. You can also find Hint Coins hidden around the village in order to spend for hints on puzzles. There are a limited number of these coins around so if you use up all your coins beforehand then you're stuck! Puzzles include brain teasers, sliding puzzles, logic puzzles, and many others.

For one thing, I am quite pleased with the graphics in this game. Viewing the cutscenes feel like you're actually watching an animated movie, and the game introduces you to an impressive cutscene as soon as you start the game. The coloring is very nice and reflects a Victorian time period. The art very much reflects an European-style. After the introduction, the makers back down a bit on the presentation though but even still the presentation is great. Everything is still stupendously detailed and the lighting effects are good. The music is also very nice and the instruments used somewhat remind me of going down the river in a gondola in Venice.

The voice actors is okay and I wished that there was more of it. Unfortunately, they only appear in the cutscenes and I wish that they had given voicing to all of the characters, no matter how small their role is in the game. It's a nice way to be lazy and not have to really read the text. I don't like Luke's character though as I find him to be extremely arrogant. He's all "I'm the assistant to the great Professor Layton. Look at me!"

The town of St. Mystere loves puzzles to the extent that you almost can't strike up a conversation without needing to solve a puzzle. You'll have to go through a number of puzzles while playing this game. Some are required to advance the plot while others are optional. Some are "hidden", meaning that you'll have to poke around in your surroundings to find them. The puzzles range in various degrees of difficulty. The more difficult a puzzle is the more picarats you earn. Some puzzles are extremely obvious while others are just planning to make your brain explode. Some need to be calculated while others are just trick questions. In those types of puzzles, often times the answer is simpler than it seems and you can bet that the game is just throwing out a bunch of numbers in order to confuse you.

When you complete a puzzle, you get this short animation of either Professor Layton or Luke telling whether your answer is correct or not. I actually hate this part because it makes me feel very stressed in fear that I answered the puzzle wrong and lost picarats. I play games in order to relax and I don't want to feel stressed like I'm on a game show and there's only one question separating me from a million dollars.

The one thing that I don't like about the game is its method of inputting answers. The game asks you to write down your answer in a grid one letter/number at a time. The system then recognizes what you just wrote and inputs it in the field above. However, you have to write these in only one stroke otherwise the game will misinterpret your answer. This can be especially annoying as often times the writing style is not your usual. Numbers are okay but when it comes to letters, this is absolutely a disaster. I have yet to figure out how to write a lowercase "I" without the game interpreting it as a lowercase "L" before I dot my "I".

As for replay, the game doesn't quite stand up to playing over and over again. Some puzzles will present to you different numbers but most puzzles only have one solution. You can share these puzzles with your friends over the Nintendo WiFi connection but that isn't as fun as playing them in context with the story and adventure.

Overall, Professor Layton and the Curious Village is quite a fun game and a must have for those who enjoy solving puzzles. The European influence in the art is a breath of fresh air from all those games with anime/manga-styled art. The cutscene animations are awesome and the graphics are really nice. You've seen a lot of these puzzles before but many are still very tough. I like how the makers make sure that you know how to control the puzzle elements before letting you start, even giving you an experimentation so that you know what you're doing. My only complaints are the replay appeal as once you've finished the game it seems silly to replay the one-answer puzzles, and the method of inputting answers for some puzzles (Either insert a keypad or have a better recognition system but I'm opting for the keypad).

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The Sims 2: Apartment Pets DS

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Here comes another installment for the console version of Sims. Apartment Pets is a game where you get to take care of animals in your apartment and greet customers in your pet spa downstairs. Generally apartments and pets are not a good combination as most apartments either restrict or disallow pets, but in this game it's possible. However, the game experiences a large variety of problems and none of them have to deal with your pet.

When you hear someone say "Sims", you expect a game where you'll be able to control a customizable human avatar and guide them through life. However, these elements are rather cursory when it comes to this game. They appear to be here in order to make it look like a Sims game, but they're not the real focus. For one thing, the Needs bar have been reduced down to only four Needs: Hunger, Comfort, Social, and Bladder. These Needs can take days before being fully depleted though so why waste time on them? The entire apartment seems to be equipped to accommodate all the Needs in the regular Sims games but you don't need them. There's no Hygiene Need or a Fun Need so why waste time showering or playing on the computer?

One particular appeal of the Sims game is the ability to create your own houses. Unfortunately, this is something that is lacking in Apartment Pets. You get an apartment but it's not yours (nor is anything else in the apartment). Instead, the apartment belongs to your Uncle  Bill. However, Uncle Bill has noted that you are free to change the apartment to your liking, that means being able to switch all the furniture (Gosh, Uncle Bill, does that mean that I can replace all your geometric furniture into Princess furniture?? :heart:) The choices are extremely limited though and upgrading furniture does not at all affect gameplay. Why buy a better (and more expensive) fridge when doing so won't give fill your Hunger meter faster? Buying better versions of the other furniture also seem useless. Why buy a larger TV when I can't even see the screen in the first place? Or buying a computer when nothing I do with it will fill up a Need meter?

You don't get to really customize your Sims either as in the PC version of The Sims 2. Instead, you are forced to choose from templates and all of the facial features are super ugly. You can't customize the Sims Turn Ons/Turn Offs, Aspirations, or Personalities. The only way you can get more customizations is to buy from the shop and changing these characteristics end up seeming pointless when you can barely see your Sims in the first place.

It's quite clear the game makers wanted the focus of the game to be on the pets. However, you don't get to go out and adopt your own pet. Instead, the "pets" you'll ever have is when your neighbors or the janitor ask for you to look after a pet, which will soon be taken away just when you have grown attached to the pet. That will sure to please the kids and work out in real life! Not. Any other interaction with animals will be when you take care of animals in your spa. This basically means giving the animals a quick shower, brush, or spray perfume in order to cover up a smell. While this might seem fun and compelling at first, this soon becomes very boring and repetitive. Get used to it though, as you'll be spending most of the game in the spa doing this. Not every much attention is given to the other pets you have to take care of in your apartment.

Customers will be coming into the spa, which is just below your apartment. When they do, you have the option of either greeting them or going directly to take care of the pet. There's really no social aspect of maintaining good relationships as needed in the other Sims games. When dealing with the pets, you are taken to a 3D animation of the pet. Over time all the cats and the dogs begin to look the same and the animation itself is at best choppy. All the animals react the same and it would have been nice to have some differentiations. We all know that pets react differently to baths or brushing. There are a few minigames you can play with the pets but the minigames for the cats and the dogs are the same. You'll be playing Fetch and going around unearthing buried shoes. You can also dress up your pets with various accessories, but these you'll have to buy after earning money by either playing minigames or working all day in the spa.

In the end, the appeal of The Sims 2: Apartment Pets wears off very quickly. All the minigames are the same and there is no offer of changes in difficulty. The animation and graphics are poor and the choices are all very limited. The only appeal in the game is the inclusion of "The Sims" in the title. Other than that, it's an extremely boring and underdeveloped game. Stay away because you will soon regret purchasing this game.

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Merlin BBC Season 3 Out Now!

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 07 November 2010 0 komentar
I can't believe it, after a hard summer's worth of waiting, Season 3 to the popular Merlin BBC series has finally come out! The first episode came out on Saturday, September 11, 2010,. and will be part one to a two part story (The Tears of Uther Pendragon). The second part will air on Saturday, September 18, 2010.

The series starts off with Uther on a desperate search for Morgana after she was taken away by Morgause at the end of Season 2. At the beginning of the first episode, Arthur and Merlin discover Morgana in the forest and take her back to the castle. Morgana seems to have changed since, now holding a hatred for magic. She forgives Merlin for trying to poison her but Merlin is still wary about her motives. Merlin's worries come true when he discovers that Morgana has took a trip to the dark side. Joined with Morgause, she will try anything to kill Uther. No longer is she the gentle and righteous Morgana we once knew. Katie McGrath plays a very frightening Morgana as she pits herself against Camelot, and it's all up to poor Merlin to stop her before something goes wrong. Of course, Uther, is still blinded by his love for his ward and his hatred of magic to see anything straight. Sometimes you have to wonder if Morgana really is the bad guy here....

I find that the series has taken a much darker turn. While it's still comical, the overall story seems to have grown to be much more mature and serious. Also, the series seems to have started off on a fast footing. It's only the second episode and already we have witnessed a major battle.

It's rumored that Arthur will slowly come to see some of the good in magic along the way and that this will lead to him having an estrangement with his father. I'm still waiting for the episode where Merlin finally tells Arthur of his magical history and hopefully that won't mean the end of the series. I'm quite looking forward to see another season of where Arthur reigns as king and that magic has been restored to the land.

Rumors also speculate the Freya, Merlin's deceased love, will return as a Lady of the Lake figure and help Merlin again, thus also deepening their love for each other. Aww...

All the other actors are there. So far the only new actor we see is Tom Ellis who plays Cenred. I'm hoping to see a few new faces pop up here and there along the way.

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How to Train Your Dragon

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
How to Train Your Dragon is a 98 minute film rated PG. The movie is loosely based off the book of the same name by Cressida Cowell. It is a DreamWorks film directed by Chris Sanders. The story takes place in a fictional Viking village called Berk. All the Vikings here must constantly defend themselves against hungry dragons and it is an honor for a Viking to grow up and be able to kill a dragon. Enter Hiccup (Jay Baruchel), a teenage Viking who is the son of the village leader Stoick the Vast (Gerard Butler). Hiccup is everything not what Stoick wanted. He is clumsy, cannot kill a dragon, and is always getting himself into a pile of danger. In an attempt to prove himself, Hiccup takes down a Night Fury, one of the most dangerous dragons around. However, when it comes time to actually kill the dragon, Hiccup finds that he no longer has the desire to kill dragons. Instead, he befriends the Night Fury, which he names Toothless for his retractable teeth.

The movie is amazing on all levels. Some might view the plot to be typical, but viewers can really feel the strength of the bond between Hiccup and Toothless. It is very touching to see either Toothless or Hiccup go to the other's aid.

The animators have certainly outdone themselves on this movie. All things part of the natural world look realistic, from the small pebbles, to trees, to the vast oceans, to the stone pillars. The lighting itself is also very natural. Sometimes, I forget that this is an animated film and instead think that it's a live-action movie instead. Toothless's emotions are also clearly shown with subtle movements, such as a narrowing of the eyes or a tilt of the ears.

My slight annoyance is with the pace of the plot.  The villagers of Berk seem too readily to accept dragons into their lifestyle. For generations it has been pounded into their heads that dragons are dangerous and must be killed on sight. It seems highly unlikely that they will start being friendly with dragons in a matter of minutes just because Toothless and Hiccup are there. This is something that will not readily be changed and takes a lot more time. It might take weeks, months, or even years, but this is something that cannot be changed in a matter of seconds or minutes. Other than that, everything else seemed good.

The music in this movie is also amazing. There's just so much excitement in the music to go with the movie. My favorite is "Test Drive", which I think really emphasizes the majesty of Toothless and Hiccup soaring through open skies. It really gives the listener a feeling of flying as well. John Powell is an excellent composer and I look forward to listening to more of his future compositions. He is not afraid to make things bold and leave an invincible sensation behind in the listeners. The soundtrack for How to Train Your Dragon is perhaps one of the best movie instrumental soundtracks I have ever heard.

Conclusion: How to Train Your Dragon is an excellent family film that every family should have. You will want to watch this movie time and time again, especially the part where Hiccup and Toothless are flying. The dragons are cute, though some of them scary are angry, and the Hiccup and Toothless duo is something that will not be easily broken. So definitely go and get How to Train Your Dragon and if you have some money left over, go and buy the soundtrack too. This is one movie you surely will not want to miss!

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Robin Hood (2010 Film)

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 06 November 2010 0 komentar
From director Ridley Scott, director of Gladiator, comes an all new take on the famous Robin Hood legend. Instead of the usual story of Robin the Outlaw, we now see a story about Robin's story before his exile. Richard the Lion Heart has just been killed in an invasion of a French castle in the Crusade and Robin Longstride (Russell Crowe) and his gang want out of the war. They use the chance to deliver the crown to the new king of England to their advantage in securing a trip back home. However, in order to do this, Robin must pretend to be Robert Loxley of  Nottingham. In order to protect their lands, Robert's father Sir Walter Loxley (Max von Sydow) asks Robin to pretend to be his son and this, of course, means also pretending to be Lady Marion Loxley's (Cate Blanchett) husband. The newly ascended King John (Oscar Isaac) is hardly kind to his people as he calls for a means of taxation already and asks Sir Godfrey (Mark Strong) to make sure that the taxes get paid. Unbeknown to him, Godfrey is actually an agent of the French. He is trying to stir up troubles in order to divide England so that the French may make their assault. Will Robin be able to unite the people against the incoming French before it's too late?

My opinion on this movie is somewhat mixed. I'm a little disappointed in not seeing the Robin Hood legend we all know and love as the plot but, again, this version is morel like the prequel to that story. Besides, the Robin Hood legend is, again, just a legend, that can be open to variations, so I'm not complaining too much about that. Perhaps, if Scott decides to make a sequel, we will be able to see the known Robin Hood legend then. In a sense, the film is very much like the Robin Hood version of Batman Begins.

The characters and actors in this film are quite strong. Oscar Isaac is able to portray a very slippery king, and Max von Sydow portrays a fabulous a blind Sir Walter Loxley. You can tell that all the actors are very mature in their acting. Perhaps my only complaint here is Mark Addy who plays Friar Tuck. I find his character to be a little too comical for a serious film such as this. Cate Blanchett portrays a mature and serious Marion though her end battle was actually quite silly. Her portrayal of Marion was different from what I had expected, as I envision Marion to be a more gentle lady but is also someone who can readily defend herself and her people when needed. I was also expecting her costume to be somewhat more grand instead of the more common-people attire she wore in the film. Matthew Macfadyen plays a comical Sheriff of Nottingham though I admit that I was expecting a someone a little more serious.

Many applaud Robin Hood for the battle scene at the end, but I actually find this scene to not be well staged. For one thing, there are several anachronisms here, such as the type of boats the French use to land. The boats used had not been invented until a few centuries later! King John's inexperience in battle is shown very clearly and well portrayed here but I find the battle scene to be rather staged. Things move slowly and are not quite as chaotic or organized as I would have liked. In keeping with its PG-13 rating, the amount of gore has also been cut down to a PG rating instead of a R rating. I wasn't much of a fan for gore in the first place, so that rating really doesn't quite bother, though I was hoping that the battle scene could have been a little more epic.

I'm not too pleased with the soundtrack either and, for me, the soundtrack plays a big role in a film. When the English are riding into battle across an open meadow, the music is missing a certain sense of excitement or epic. Instead, the film focuses on a more somber tone. There's nothing wrong with a somber tone but the music lacks the deep evocation of music usually associated with many other good movie soundtracks. The tune for Merry Men was quite good though. It's the song playing at the start of the DVD menu if you're looking for it. There's certainly potential in the composition but the soundtrack of Robin Hood needs to step one up!

There's also a few questionable choices of narrative here. I don't know about you but I like my heroes to be...well...heroic. As you can guess, I wasn't too pleased with the way Robin killed Godfrey by shooting him in the back with an arrow. And also, shouldn't he have checked to see if Marion was alright before going after Godfrey? Don't just leave her lying there in the water! Also, there is the matter concerning the "wild" children in the forest. In the film, they seem to be more of on the outskirts of the plot. There really was any devotion of the film to their story and this leaves me wondering what their purpose in the story was in the first place.

As for the filming, how should I say this? The filming itself was just incredible! The scenery was absolutely beautiful and the aerial takes just stunning. Everything is just done on a very large scale and the image of hundred of horses galloping across an open field is simply majestic. If not for the plot, the music, or the acting, certainly watch Robin Hood for its scenic locations!

Overall, the film is average for me. There's really nothing distinguishing it apart from the beautiful scenery and the mature acting, but it's not a horrible movie either. Go watch Robin Hood nevertheless as you certainly won't lose anything from watching it.

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My Birthday

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
Today is my birthday! :D I'll be turning 17 today. I'm somewhat annoyed that I won't be able to turn 18 by the time I graduate from senior year though. I also find it amusing that a bunch of my friends also have the same birthday as me though I'm the oldest among them. Boy will those Happy-Birthday wishers be tired! Haha.

Sadly, I won't be able to fully enjoy my birthday as I have SATs tomorrow so I'll have to spend the day studying and freaking out for that. I took the day off just so that I could do that. But anyone who has taken the SAT before should know how tiring it is to study for that. It seems I'll have a rather long day tomorrow. I need to get to the test center before 8 AM and spend more than three hours taking the test. By the time I'm done my brain will be dead. :(

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Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
From the creators of Pirates of the Caribbean comes an all new action film: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Prince of Persia is the second franchise rated PG-13 made by Walt Disney (The first, of course being, Pirates of the Caribbean). The movie is based off the popular video games of the same name. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Dastan, a prince of Persia who was picked off the streets by the king of Persia. After conquering the fabled city of Alamut, Dastan is celebrated everywhere due to his role in the victory. However, his rejoicing does not last long as his father is poisoned to death at the celebration and all faults fall on him. As he escapes with his life still intact, Dastan tries to find a way to explain himself. He teams up with rival princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) as they protect a mythical dagger that has the ability to rewind time from falling into the wrong hands.

What to say about this movie? While the movie does have its perks, I'm not quite pleased with the movie overall. I find the acting to very awkward and stilted, almost as if the entire thing was staged (ironically). The acting lacks the naturalness found in most movies. You grow more accustomed to the acting as the film goes on but it still definitely could have been better. The dialogue also sounds quite awkward for some reason. It could be the slight accent or it could be just that the script was poorly written. It felt more as if the actors and actresses were trying too hard. However, the movie is not without its memorable quotes though, and there are quite a few in the later parts of the film. Almost the entire length of the film is nonstop action from swordplay to acrobatic leaps over great distances. There is rarely a moment of rest. Sometimes I'm afraid to blink while watching this because I'm afraid that I'll miss a key moment because that's how fast the pace is. I'm quite sure a number of action lovers out there will love this aspect of the film. Of course, no movie is without its romances but this was one part the film barely touched because it's focused too much on the action. You can only feel that there's at least some attraction between the two main characters but really there's nothing else. The chemistry just isn't working out that nicely.

I do must, however, commend on the film's soundtrack as it has a brilliant theme. The writers made sure to make it sound at least a little bit Middle Eastern.

Conclusion? This movie is great in terms of action (and adventure)  but it's really not much in respect to the other aspects such as romance and talents. The film experiences quite a number of problems when it comes to continuity (make up and costume) and all the more anachronisms. The special effects aren't that great either as you rarely see anything worth your attention. I'm actually quite disappointed considering how great of a success Pirates of the Caribbean was. Maybe it's best if Disney just sticks with animated kids movies than try to create a film directed at anyone in their teens or above. So, if you're all for the action, definitely see this movie but don't expect much from it.

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Pokemon SoulSilver DS

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 25 September 2010 0 komentar
Pokemon SoulSilver is the newest addition to the Pokemon series. It is the Generation IV remake of the old Pokemon Silver. This time, instead of starting in Sinnoh as it did in Diamond, the game now takes place in the Johto region. There players can team up with the Starter Pokemon Chikorita (Grass), Cyndaquil (Fire), or Totodile (Water), received from Professor Elm. As with all Pokemon games, the goal in this game is to become the best trainer in the Johto and Kanto regions. This is done by raising Pokemon, completing the Pokedex, defeating all sixteen gyms in the Johto and Kanto regions and also the Elite Four and the Champion. During various points of the game, your rival will also challenge you to test your skill level. This time, your rival is a purple-haired boy (You get to create your own name for him), whose personality more resembles Paul in the anime. Like with the previous games, your rival's starter Pokemon depends on what you choose as a starter, possessing the Type that is advantageous to yours. Also, instead of facing Team Galactic as you did in Pokemon Diamond, you'll be facing Team Rocket this time.

A new feature in this game that actually proved to be quite cute is that your leading Pokemon is now able to follow behind you wherever you go instead of residing in a Pokeball. Players are also able to turn around and interact with their Pokemon. Most of the time, the interaction will result in a random action (such as your Pokemon chasing after a butterfly or sneezing), but there are also times (if lucky) where your Pokemon might have picked up an Item, though these events are much rarer.

Unlike in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon can now compete in a sports event known as the Pokeathlon. Pokemon Contests have completely been deleted from the program, which might be a good thing for some people. The game utilizes the DS Touchscreen, and your Pokemon will be able to compete in events such as hurdling and frisbee-catching. Each Pokemon has their own stats. Some Pokemon will be better at jumping than at running. For each course, you will enter three Pokemon. Each course consists of three different events that is based not only on the stat skill of the overall course name. You'll be controlling all three of your Pokemon at once, so make sure that you're not focusing only on one Pokemon. I personally am best at the Jump, Power, and Stamina courses. I fail at the Speed and Skill courses mainly due to one event: Pennant Capture. It rather annoys me that the Pokemon of the other teams move faster than I do and keep bumping into me, thus either stealing my points or slowing me down considerably.

You'll be assigned points in the Pokeathlon and you can later use these points to buy prizes at the Prize Exchange counter. If you win an event, you'll be rewarded with an additional 100 points. Nice! Prizes vary from day to day but you can get a lot of items that are not available anywhere else in the game here. You can get Apricorns (around 200-300 points), Full Restores, Heart Scales to change your Pokemon's movesets (1000 points), Rare Candies to increase your Pokemon's level, and various evolution stones. More evolution stones (i.e. Dusk, Dawn, Shiny Stones) will become available after you receive your National Dex. These stones can be purchased for 3000 points (The stones before the National Dex cost 2500 points). Getting the points you need can be quite annoying and take a long time. Often times, you'll have to play the courses for about seven or more times (depending on your score and your original amount of points) in order to rack up the points needed.

One new addition to the game is the Pokewalker, a device that is very much like a pedometer. It is included in every game package, and can be considered as Nintendo's attempt to get kids to become more active. It can connect to the DS console via infrared signals. Players can transport their favorite Pokemon into the Pokewalker and walk along with it to increase its happiness. Players walk to save up a currency known as "watts", which they can later use to unlock new routes to obtain special Pokemon. I've tried using the Pokewalker and it can be quite annoying to use. For one thing, it doesn't record accurately. Sometimes my Pokewalker doesn't even record at all. If you want to do anything, such as search for an item or Pokemon, you'll need to consume watts. Watts are hard to come by as you gain only one watt for every 20 steps you take. Considering that I'm mainly using the Pokewalker to get a Milotic and Froslass, this will most certainly take awhile as the route to access them requires 30,000 watts. Think how many steps that will take!

Also, one other quite annoying thing with the Pokewalker is that there is no Off button. Once you pull out that little piece of paper stopping the flow of current to the battery, your Pokewalker is officially turned on until the battery dies (According to the manual, the battery lasts for about 4 months if you use it to gain 10,000 steps each day for about half an hour). To conserve battery, the Pokewalker goes into Sleep Mode but, as you can see, this still consumes battery life, only less of it. The only way to turn your Pokewalker off is to either remove the battery or reinsert that little piece of paper you took out earlier. Be careful about your Pokewalker's battery life as, if your battery dies, then all information on the Pokewalker you collected is lost. (Don't worry, your Pokemon can still be retrieved. It'll only be more of a hassle now).

As with all Pokemon games, there are always some things that I find to be annoying. The most annoying thing I find to be is the fact that you are always constantly attacked by wild Pokemon or young trainers. While these events do help you train your Pokemon, they really slow down your progress. Sometimes I just want to travel from one town to the next without any hindrances. Of course, there are ways to stop these random encounters, and that is to make use of the various levels of Repels. These items will stop Pokemon from attacking you for a certain number of steps, but they do cost money with the better Repels costing more money. However, they can be stocked anytime in any Pokemart across the region. 

Another thing that I still find to be annoying is the limit of moves your Pokemon can learn at one time. Your Pokemon is only allowed to learn four moves at a time, so it really takes a lot of effort to decide which movesets are the best for your Pokemon. Ask yourself if you want a moveset that focuses mostly on defense or offense? Not only that but since most of your Pokemon in your party end up needing to learn HMs in order to continue the game, you're really down to only three options. Plus the fact that the more powerful attack, the less PP it has can really make the game challenging if you run out of PPs. Of course, your Pokemon's old moves can be relearned but these will require the payment of Heart Scales. The Move Tutor can be found in Blackthorn City.

Unfortunately, leveling up your Pokemon's happiness takes a rather long time and can often times be extremely expensive. However, if you want some cool Pokemon such as Roselia, Umbreon, or Lucario, then you'll be forced to work through your Pokemon's happiness. You might even need to evolve your Pokemon via maximum happiness in order to complete your Pokedex. The only fastest way I know of to increase your Pokemon's happiness is to first catch your Pokemon with the Friend Ball (Green Apricorn). This increases the base happiness of your newly caught Pokemon from 70 to 210. Then equip your Pokemon with the Soothe Bell and give it lots of vitamins and a daily massage from Daisy Oak in Pallet Town from 3-4 PM.

One thing that really annoys me is that you can't complete the Pokedex unless you utilize the GTS. I don't have WiFi in my house so I'll have to run to a cafe just to use this feature. You can't get any Sinnoh or Hoenn Pokemon unless you use the GTS. However, you can capture a few of these using the Hoenn or Sinnoh Sound on your Pokegear after you get the National Dex. The only other way would be to use Objects in the Safari Zone to attract some rarer Pokemon.

As with all games, Pokemon starts out to be very fun but the game starts to become extremely boring halfway through because there's nothing for you to do but to run around in the grass, encounter some wild Pokemon, and gain EXP to increase your Pokemon's level (which, by the way, takes FOREVER if your  Pokemon is at a high level). There really are no good places to train unless you battle trainers on the SS Aqua and only then this can only occur on certain days. All the Pokemon in Kanto are extremely low level (around level 5). But, hey, it's Pokemon, so you can't complain too much I guess.

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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Spirit Caller

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 23 September 2010 0 komentar
Another installment in the Yu-Gi-Oh series for the DS is Yu-Gi-Oh GX Spirit Caller. The game follows the gameplay of its predecessors where you duel other players as you advance through the storyline. Unlike the World Championship games, you're no longer just a random duelist whose sole purpose is to to duel. Instead, you're now a student at a dueling academy and fitted into one of the houses. When you first start off, you'll be in the Slifer Red Dorms, which is reserved for those who scored lowest on the entrance exams. Those who live in the extravagant dorms of Obelisk Blue are those who scored the highest. You'll meet Syrus and Jaden Yuki when you first start off, heroes of the GX anime and live with them in the Slifer Red Dorm. You'll get to create your own avatar but, unfortunately, for all the girls playing (including me) the avatar can only be male. Normally I wouldn't complain but your choices for facial features are rather ugly when compared to the rest of the crew in the game.

The way the game is designed is much better suited for the more experienced players of Yu-Gi-Oh. There really aren't any tutorials until after you've battled a few duels on your own. Compared to the previous installments in the series, Spirit Caller has been renovated with an updated card list. It has a much smoother interface and quicker creature animations compared to Nightmare Troubador but still the gameplay itself is very hectic across the small DS screens. Everything is so small that you literally have to use the game's magnifying glass feature. You never get a chance to see what Spell or Trap cards your opponent just played. You only get to see the card's effects unless you sift through the opponent's graveyard and look up the card using the magnifying glass. So, if you're not careful, you could end up suddenly losing your Spell/Trap cards or one of your powerful monsters. In general, card effects are never quite clear when they do occur. The battle animation isn't too great either. Overall, since this is a game that focuses mainly on dueling others, you would think that they would have a better design for dueling. However, this is not the case and will only give you a headache when you duel. It's all one very hectic mess.

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Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 22 September 2010 0 komentar
Due to the popularity of Trauma Center, Atlus has decided to make a sequel to the hit medical game. The game still follows our old protagonist Derek Stiles, a young and gifted doctor with a strange and magical ability that slows down time called the "Healing Touch", and his assistant Angie Thompson. Delphi is back and they now seek revenge. Equipped with new strains of GUILT, they truly are baffling our heroes. Not only that, but previous patients of GUILT are also experiencing Post GUILT Syndromes (PGS). You first meet Stiles in the Africa's Costigar working at a military base. Here, he will meet his new apprentice Adel Tulba. However, the moment is short-lived as Stiles and his team is quickly called back to Caduceus USA to deal with PGS. Of course, new things pop up that will influence Caduceus's battle with GUILT both for the good and the bad such as partnering up with an ally or finding themselves a new team of rivals to compete with. The game, in general, moves from simple operations to more and more stranger cases as you advance through the game.

If you're familiar with Adult Swim's Amateur Surgeon, then you'll find Trauma Center's gameplay to be very similar. However, you're no longer dealing with random house tools to deal with your operating needs. Instead, you're actually working with real operation tools (well, as real as things can be in a video game at least). Here, you'll meet the trusty scalpel, sutures, drain, antibiotic gel, scalar laser, and stabilizer. Learn and master them for they will be your keys to success in this game. This game measures your mastery at speed, reflexes, memory, and your dexterity. If you're not very quick or accurate with your stylus, then be warned that you'll most likely have to work through a specific operation over and over again before you finally finish it. The operations are hardly easy and you'll always be pressured for time, particularly when you're dealing with more than one patient or GUILT or even suturing countless lacerations.

The tactiles work but, when you're trying to speed through an operation, some annoying things do occur. For example, some lacerations appear to near the controls and I end up accidentally switching tools when trying to suture them. Another annoying thing is that sometimes I don't draw up enough stabilizer or blood using the syringe or drain. These are the two main things that you might want to watch out for when playing this game. Other than that, everything else works.

When it comes to the storytelling, the game is good at its storytelling, mixing in medical terms with a bunch of political tensions, war crimes, and what not. It's very much like a medical drama. The only thing that bothers me is that the storytelling is very long and it can often be awhile before you finally get to pick up your scalpel and begin the operation. Pressing the Select button will skip through the story but, even then, it's really just like watching a fast-forward version of a video. There's really no Skip button that will lead you directly to the operation.

The graphics are nice with vibrant colors for the storyboards. There are some lighting and shading effects. When it comes to the people, the graphics are really just 2-D portraits. I wish that they could have done a little more to these portraits, such as animations or making a more realistic effect. There aren't any changes in expression unless the character is in extreme pain or extremely angry.

The music is okay with a few nice tunes. I suggest keeping the volume on while playing only because the sounds will help you during your operations. If you're ever stuck as to what to do, Angie will give you a voice-over of which tool you should use. You'll also find the voice-over to be useful in other experiences in which I won't dwell on the details. You can also use the sounds to hear when new things appear in the operation such as when new lacerations appear. Other than that, the annoying thing about this is that when your patient's vitals start to get low, there is a constant beeping sound which always gives me a headache when playing and will only add more to the pressure. When doing the storytelling, the character voice-overs often don't match what they're saying. It's all very general.

All in all, Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 is a must-get game. You'll see some rather intimidating operations but there's something about their difficulty that makes the game very addicting. You'll feel very accomplished when you finally are able to complete an operation. Ironically, I played this game while I was sick with the flu. Here I am curing others when I can't even cure myself. It's also sort of scary to think that, if this were in real-life, how many patients would have died under my hands due to my failure at getting the speed needed to complete these operations. Thank goodness that this is only a game. But, back to the game itself, the gameplay is very addicting and very challenging. I worked on the Easy levels and even then I still found them to be a challenge. Sure, there could have been some more features but overall this game is worth your attention. So go out there, get yourself a copy of Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2, and save those patients!

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

This is yet another game in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. Like its predecessors, Explorers of Darkness is the counterpart to Explorers of Time. The game has experienced some revisions from Red/Blue Rescue Team. The overall plot still follows the same of the previous installments in the series. The player still loses his/her memory and finds himself/herself stuck in the form of a Pokemon (The species that you'll become depends on the results of a personality quiz the player takes). For this game, you can be any of the Kanto, Johto, or Sinnoh starters along with Pikachu, Meowth, Skitty, and Munchlax. Another Pokemon, referred to as the player's partner, is met (The player can choose who s/he wants to be his/her partner). The two join forces to create an explorer team and run around through randomly generated dungeons to complete tasks (whether it be to find lost items, save other Pokemon, guide others as travel guides, or capture outlaws). Along the way, new Pokemon will be added to the team after gaining their respect in battle. The more specific plot deals with the players trying to stop the destruction of time by preventing the loss of Time Gears, gears that have the magical ability to keep time in check in the Pokemon realm. As the player advances through the game, more details will of course be revealed and the player will slowly realize who s/he is and why s/he lost his/her memories.

When it comes to gameplay, the game, like many other dungeon-oriented games, is very unforgiving. If either the player or partner dies while in a dungeon, then both the player and partner are sent back to the beginning of the dungeon and will lose all of their items and money. The only way to prevent loss is to store your items and money in storage, where it will be permanently kept safe. That way, the only things you lose will be the items newly acquired. Still very annoying, particularly if you chance upon a valuable item while traversing around in the dungeons. Unfortunately, everything in this game requires money. Good TMs are rare to come by in the game and are very expensive. Oh, you found a chest on your travels? That's awesome! Must be something valuable inside. Oh, there's no way for you to unlock it? Oh, there is a way to unlock the chest but I must pay 150 coins to Xatu? Oh, most of the items received from chests can only be used with certain Pokemon? This just sucks. Overall, I'm not a major fan of this game since I'm not quite seeing a plot here. All you do is basically run around in the dungeons completing tasks. The battle system is very confusing as you can't control what attacks you want the other Pokemon on your team to use. My Wooper, for example, seems to only use Mud Sport even though it knows Water Gun. Perhaps the only things to like about this game (Just because it's Pokemon related doesn't mean that it's a good game. Oh, the horror!) are the music and the cute graphics. The expressions of all the Pokemon, even the bad guys, are all very cute and exaggerated. Perhaps the most amusing character in the game is the Guildmaster Wigglytuff, who likes only Perfect Apples and is otherwise very eccentric most of the time.

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My Favorite Pokemon

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 12 September 2010 0 komentar
I'm not hiding that I'm a Pokemon fan despite the fact that I'm now a teenager. As with anything I always have a few of my favorite Pokemon. This is more of just a checklist for myself to collect my favorite/dream Pokemon as I play through the Pokemon SoulSilver game.

Ninetales: Ninetales is a fox-like Fire Pokemon. It has the Flash Fire ability, which powers up its Fire moves if hit by one. It also makes it immune to any Fire-type attacks. Ninetales evolves from Vulpix via the Fire Stone. As a Fire-type, Ninetales is weak against Water, Ground, and Rock types but is strong against Bug, Grass, Ice, and Steel types. It is suggested that you evolve Vulpix after Level 47, because that is when it learns Fire Blast. Once you evolve Vulpix, Ninetales no longer learns any new moves. Note that Fire Blast can also be bought as a TM for $5500 in the Goldenrod Department store. Ninetales by all means is my favorite Pokemon. My Ninetales is current Level 47 (I evolved it at Level 43 since I got the Fire Blast TM). My moveset is: Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, and Confuse Ray.

Gallade: Gallade is also one of my top favorite Pokemon though I have yet to acquire one in the game. I don't even have a Dawn Stone let alone a Ralts in the game. I believe I'll be able to acquire one after I complete the National Dex and will have to rely on luck since Ralts is a Swarm Pokemon. Gallade is a dual-type Pokemon, consisting of part Psychic and part Fighting. It evolves from a male Ralts via a Dawn Stone and is one of Ralts's final forms. Its Steadfast ability increases its speed when flinched in battle. Gallade is weak to Flying and Ghost types while it's resistant against Fighting and Rock types. Gallade packs a high Attack and Sp. Defense stat but is somewhat weaker in the other areas.

Mismagius: Next on my list is the fearsome Mismagius, the Ghost Pokemon. Mismagius evolves from Misdreavus after being exposed to radiation from a Dusk Stone. It is suggested that you evolve Mismagius after Level 37 so that it can learn Shadow Ball. After evolving, Mismagius no longer learns any new moves. Shadow Ball can also be acquired as a TM after you defeat, I believe, Morty of Ecruteak Gym. However, if you find the Move Tutor in Blackthorn City and give him a few Heart Scales, you can let your Mismagius learn a few new powerful moves such as Magical Leaf, which is a Grass type move. Mismagius has the Levitate ability, which makes it immune to Ground type moves. Also, as a Ghost type, Mismagius is weak to Ghost (which I find to be ironic since Mismagius is a Ghost type) and Dark types. It's strong against Poison and Bug types though. It's also unaffected by Normal and Fighting type moves, which makes it extremely effective when battling against those types. I've acquired a Misdreavus and it is now a Level 48 (Moveset: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Perish Song). I've yet to acquire a Dusk Stone though so no Mismagius for me yet.

Honchkrow: Honchkrow is a dual-type Dark and Flying type that resembles a crow. It evolves from Murkrow via Dusk Stone (Great. Yet another Dusk Stone to acquire). It either has the Insomnia (which makes it immune to moves that induce sleep) or the Super Luck ability (raises the critical hit ratio). My Murkrow has the Super Luck ability. Honchkrow is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric types while it is strong against Ghost and Grass types. It's resistant against Dark types while it's unaffected by Psychic and Ground types. It is suggested that you evolve Murkrow at Level 45 so that it learns Sucker Punch. Then, once it does, it learns some new powerful attacks (Night Slash at Level 45 and Dark Pulse at Level 55). Keep in mind that Dark Pulse can be bought as a TM for $3000 at the Celadon Department Store, so really you're just looking at Night Slash.

Milotic: Milotic is a Water type Pokemon that is known for its beauty in Pokemon Contests. It evolves from Feebas after it has maxed out its Beauty stats, meaning that you're going to have to participate (and win) lots of Beauty contests. Milotic is weak to Grass and Electric types while it is strong against Rock, Ground, Fire, and Ice types. It's resistant against Steel and Water types. Milotic learns a couple of nice, strong attacks at comparatively low levels. For example, it learns Hydro Pump at Level 37. After that, the moves it learns are more for changing stats than actual attacks. I don't think I can evolve a Feebas in SoulSilver since there are no Pokemon Contests. I guess I'll only be able to acquire one by trading from Diamond/Pearl (which I don't have) or utilizing the GTS (which I can't find a WiFi for). I guess I'll most likely have to cross this one off my list. Sigh.

Sneasel: Sneasel is yet another dual-type Pokemon. It is part Dark and part Ice type. Thankfully, Sneasel does not require a Dusk Stone to evolve. It, however, needs to hold a Razor Claw while leveling up at night. However, I am interested in Sneasel only and not its evolved form Weavile so I don't have to bother myself with finding a Razor Claw. Sneasel either has the Inner Focus (prevents flinching) or Keen Eye ability (prevents loss of accuracy). I've yet to acquire a Sneasel so I don't know what ability mine will have. I believe that Sneasel can be acquired in Mt. Silver though I've yet to visit the mountain. Sneasel is known for its speed though it's quite weak when it comes to Sp Attack. Unfortunately, Sneasel is weak to several types of attack: Fighting, Rock, Bug, Steel, and Fire. It is, however, resistant, against Ghost, Ice, and Dark types, while it is unaffected by Psychic moves.

Froslass: I'm also interested in bagging myself a Froslass, which evolves from a female Snorunt via a Dawn Stone (Another Dawn Stone to acquire). Froslass is part Ghost and part Ice type. However, unlike the other Ghost Pokemon, it does not have the Levitate ability. Instead, it has the Snow Cloak ability, which raises its evasiveness in a hailstorm. Outside of battle, if Froslass is the lead Pokemon, that it will decrease the encounter rate of Wild Pokemon in a blizzard. Unfortunately, a Snorunt can only be acquired via the Pokewalker in SoulSilver. I have yet to master the Pokewalker or even acquire the number of watts needed to unlock the route that contains Snorunt so I won't be getting one until much later. Froslass is weak to a large variety of attacks: Rock, Ghost, Steel, Fire, and Dark types. It is resistant to Poison, Bug, and Ice attacks though and unaffected by Normal and Fighting types. Froslass doesn't have too great of a stat, but it does have a higher Speed Stat. When it comes to attacks, Froslass will learn quite a bit of nice attacks, if at later levels.

Scizor: Scizor evolves from Scyther via trade while holding Metal Coat. I find this to be quite annoying because I've yet to discover a place where I can conveniently use WiFi. Plus, it'll also require the other person to trade it back to me. As a dual type Bug and Steel Pokemon, Scizor is extremely weak to Fire type attacks. However, it's Steel type makes it resistant to most other attacks: Normal, Bug, Steel, Ghost, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Dark. It is unaffected by Poison types. As a result, Scizor is a nice Pokemon to have on your team. Just make sure to avoid those Fire types! When it comes to stats, Scizor has a very strong Attack stat and a good Defense stat. I have a Scyther and a Metal Coat. My Scyther is pretty weak right now though I think it is a good idea to evolve Scyther earlier than later since Scizor learns several nice attacks earlier on. If only I can find a convenient place that offers WiFi and someone to trade with me.

Roselia: Finally, a Grass type Pokemon in my list! Roselia is the Grass type that I'm interested in. It evolves from Budew via happiness during the day. I've yet to acquire a Budew or a Roselia and I've yet to figure out how without using the GTS. Most likely I'll have to wait for a Swarm after I complete the National Dex. As a dual Grass and Poison type, Roselia is weak against Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Ice types. It's strong against Water types and resistant against Fighting, Grass, and Electric types. Roselia is more helpful with inducing Status changes, such as Grasswhistle for sleep. It has Giga Drain to not only reduce the HP of your foes but also restore its own HP. If your Roselia has the Poison Point ability, then those that attack via Physical moves have a chance of being poisoned.

Flygon: Flygon is a dual Ground/Dragon type. It evolves from Vibrava at Level 45 and is the final form of Trapinch. Flygon has a good Attack and Speed stat. It's extremely weak to Ice type moves though and also weak to Dragon types. It's resistant against Fire, Poison, and Rock types though and unaffected by Electric and Ground types. Unfortunately, Flygon by itself doesn't have too many good attacks except for DragonBreath, Dragon Claw, and Hyper Beam. However, you can teach the TMs Earthquake and Dragon Pulse to increase its attacks. In the Pokeathlon, Flygon has a full Jump stat, which will be helpful in the--you guessed it--Jump Event. I've yet to acquire a Trapinch in the game.

Umbreon: Umbreon is yet another one of my favorites. Sometimes I wonder if there's a trend going on here because it seems that most of the Pokemon I like are Dark types. Umbreon evolves from Eevee via a maxed out happiness meter at night. Umbreon is mainly used for its great Defense. Often times it can withstand powerful attacks so it is a great addition to have on your team. Umbreon isn't as great of an attacker as the others of the Eeveelution chain, but giving it Dark Pulse makes it a strong contender nevertheless. That, plus Faint Attack, which is an attack that never misses, which comes in handy when your foe is very evasive. Umbreon is weak to Fighting and Bug types but is resistant against Ghost and Dark types. Not only is it strong against Psychic types but it's also unaffected by them, which makes it a great Pokemon to have against Will of the Elite Four or any other Gyms that uses Psychic types. My Umbreon is currently Level 48 and knows Dark Pulse, Faint Attack, Iron Tail, and Flash.

Ampharos: I'm lacking an Electric type so I'll add Ampharos to the list. Ampharos evolves from Flaafy at Level 30 and is the final form of Mareep. Ampharos is a pretty slow Pokemon so expect it to go later in battles. Ampharos has the Static ability, which will paralyze your foe when any physical attacks are used. As a pure Electric type, Ampharos is weak against Ground types.  It is strong against Flying types and resistant against Steel and Electric attacks. My Ampharos is currently at a Level 48 and knows Discharge, Thunder, ThunderPunch, and Signal Beam. Thunder can be taught via a TM but it doesn't have too great of an accuracy.

Ariados: Ariados is yet another Bug/Poison type. Ariados evolves from Spinarak at Level 22. However, Ariados is only available in the HeartGold version so I'll have use the GTS is I want an Ariados. I find it ironic that I like Ariados even though I hate bugs in real life. When it comes to stats, Ariados isn't that great of a Pokemon. It's more useful for inflicting Poison on your foes. Ariados is weak against Flying, Rock, Fire, and Psychic types while it's resistant against Fighting, Bug, Poison, and Grass types. The nice thing about Ariados is that, if it has the Insomnia ability, it's immune to sleep affects.

Dragonair: Dragonair is the first pure Dragon type on my list. It evolves from Dratini at Level 30. It's weak against Ice and Dragon types but resistant against Fire, Grass, Electric, and Grass types, which are some of the main types. Dragonair learns a few nice attacks later on. It learns Dragon Rush at Level 39, Outrage at Level 61, and Hyper Beam at Level 67. However, we all know that Hyper Beam can be bought at the Goldenrod Department Store for $7500 if you don't want to wait that long. You can also teach Dragonair Dragon Pulse and let it hold the Dragon Claw to boost its Dragon moves. I currently have a Level 29 Dratini. So it won't be long now till I can evolve it into Dragonair, and then I'll have to work with it for awhile to let it catch up on levels.

Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil is perhaps one of the cutest starter Pokemon. Starting out with a Fire Type will give you an easier start in the games. Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava at Level 14 and Typhlosion at Level 36. I'm really not a fan of Cyndaquil's evolutions but it's too late to give my Cyndaquil an Everstone. It's already a Level 42 Typhlosion. Cyndaquil is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water types while it's strong against Grass, Ice, Steel, and Bug types. It's resistant against Fire types. Cyndaquil learns the strong attacks earlier on than Typhlosion so it might be a good idea to leave Cyndaquil before evolving. It learns Swift at Level 28, Lava Plume at Level 31, and Flamethrower at Level 37.

Chinchou: I'm considering Chinchou only because it's a dual Water and Electric type, the only kind in the entire Pokedex. It evolves into Lanturn at Level 27. If it has the Volt Absorb ability, then all Electric attacks will be ineffective against it. If it has the ability Illuminate and is the leading Pokemon, then the appearance rate of wild Pokemon is increased to 200%, useful if you're looking for a specific type of Pokemon or want to work on leveling up Chinchou. Chinchou is weak against Ground and Grass types. It's strong against Flying, Fire, and Ice types while it's resistant against Steel and Water types. Other than that, Chinchou isn't too great of a Pokemon due to its low stats. It learns Hydro Pump at Level 42 and Discharge at Level 34. I've yet to acquire a Chinchou. There's a possibility of getting one by fishing using the Good Rod but it's chances are low. As a result, I'm waiting for a Super Rod before trying to catch one. The appearance rate with the Super Rod increases sharply.

Blaziken: Blaziken is the final form of Torchic. It is a dual Fire and Fighting type. It evolves from Combusken starting at Level 36. Blaziken is weak to Flying, Water, Ground, and Psychic types while it's strong against Grass, Ice, Dark, Bug, and Steel types. It does not have the Flash Fire ability so it's not immune to Fire moves, only resistant against them. Blaziken learns a combination of Fire, Fighting, Normal, and Flying moves but the strong attacks don't appear until much later on so Blaziken won't be too useful until you reach the 40's. Blaziken has a maxed out Power and Jump stats to compete in the Pokeathlon, which I'm sure you'll find to be useful. I don't think Blaziken is available anywhere in the game so I'll have to rely on the GTS once more.

The other Pokemon on my list are more for my collection than for having it on my team. They are: Wobuffet, Skitty, Glameow, Mime Jr, Chimecho, and Togekiss.

Now that the regular Pokemon have been listed, it's time to move on to the Legendaries. What? Did you think that I didn't like any of the Legendaries?

Articuno: First off the bat is Articuno. I've had my eye on Articuno ever since I first heard of Pokemon. Articuno is a dual Ice and Flying type. Now that you've mentioned it, I don't think there even is a pure Flying Pokemon. All of them are dual types. Anyhoo, going back to Articuno. Articuno has a strong Sp Defense, rivaling almost Umbreon. It's weak to Rock, Steel, Fire, and Electric types but strong against Grass and Bug types. It's unaffected by Ground types.Unfortunately, Articuno doesn't learn the strong moves until its level is in the 70's. But the good thing is that these attacks happen to be TM's. Blizzard can be bought in the Goldenrod Department store. Ice Beam is learned at Level 43. Articuno has maxed out Skill and Jump stats so expect it to come in handy in the Pokeathlon. I believe that Articuno is available in the game. I just have to find its resting place.

Latias: Next off is Latias, who is part Dragon and part Psychic. I find it to be much cuter than Latios. Latias is weak against Bug, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, and Dark types but it's resistant against Fire, Fighting, Water, Grass, Electric, and Psychic types. It's unaffected by Ground types. Latias's moveset is more for crippling your foe than to actually attack though it does learn a few powerful Psychic moves along the way (Zen Headbutt at Level 40 and Psychic at Level 65). It learns Dragon Pulse at Level 70. For anyone that is wondering, check out Latias's Pokeathlon stats! It has maxed out stats in Speed and Jump and very high stats in Skill. I'm not sure but I think that Latias is only available as a result of an event. I'll have to check.

Suicune: Last off is the legendary Suicune. Thankfully, Suicune is available in the game. You'll just have to follow it around and later you'll have a chance to battle and catch it! I'm not sure why but I always have trouble spelling Suicune. Suicune is a pure Water type. It's weak to only Grass and Electric types while it's strong against Ice and Fire types. It's resistant against Steel and Water types. As per usual, Suicune learns several powerful moves but they're all until later on, at least until Level 50. Suicune has very high Speed, Skill, Jump, and Power stats for the Pokeathlon. I can't wait to catch Suicune!

That's about all. I'll be working through this list as I play the game and hopefully I'll be able to catch all my favorites! Wish me luck! :-)

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Cowon J3 Review

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 09 September 2010 0 komentar
I recently got my hands on the latest MP3 player from Cowon. For a MP3 player, the Cowon J3 boasts many features. It is smaller than the iPod Touch but larger than th Zune HD. It still fits comfortably in your hand but accessing the 3" touch-screen with your thumb only might be a little difficult. The J3 comes in 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB. The 8GB can be found on Amazon for around $200. It's certainly more expensive than the iPod Touch, so is it really worth it? For one thing, if you're tight on money, it might be a good idea to get the 8GB. Think the memory isn't enough? Never fear! The J3 has come equipped with an expandable memory slot for MicroSDHC cards that can run up to 32GB. It's much cheaper to get MicroSDHC cards than to get a new MP3 player with a larger memory. Now, let's take a look at the J3's features:

Touch-screen: The J3 has a 3.3" touch-screen. It's smaller than the screen of the iPod Touch, which is 3.5", but it's larger than the Zune HD's 3" screen. The touch-screen is very intuitive. I only need to tap once for the system to respond, though there can be a lag at times. The screen beeps every single time you touch the screen as confirmation that you have actually pressed a button. Don't worry, this setting can be turned off if you want to save a little battery life or you're in a quiet place. The screen is AMOLED, which can display a beautiful range of 16 million colors and has a resolution of 480 x 272. The screen is just absolutely beautiful and has the best display I've ever seen among MP3 players.

Battery-life: Battery life is a very important feature for any user, whether you're watching movies or listening to music. The J3 boasts a battery life of 64 hours for audio playback and 11 hours for video playback. This certainly outclasses both the Zune HD and iPod Touch, which only have maximum battery lives of around 30 hours. This super long battery will be great for trans-Atlantic flights or for anyone that just hates charging their device.

Charging: Speaking of charging, the J3 can only be charged via a USB port connection to the computer. The USB cable included in the packaging is proprietary so make sure that you don't lose that cable! It takes only 3.5 hours for the battery to fully charge. There's also the option of a wall-charger. Charging via a wall charger will take 3 hours.

User Interface: The J3 begins to lose its worthiness as a competitor to the Zune HD when it comes to the user interface. The J3 gives you three choices for an UI. The first one is a grid that contains most of the buttons needed. The second option is a list that will also show you the number of files or battery life left. Last, but not least, the third UI is perhaps the best out of all three. It's customizable, meaning that you can arrange your icons (and widgets) whichever way you like across three menus. But, perhaps the best function of the J3 is that you can customize your own UI. There are tons of customized UI available online for you to download and use to make your needs easier. When it comes to smoothness, the J3 lags quite a bit when going from one menu to the next, particularly when you have a lot of files or when you're trying to load pictures.

Browsing: You can browse through files using menus. You can search for music via album, artist, song, year, genre, or time added. Unfortunately, there's no way to quickly go to one part of the alphabet so you'll just have to go by scrolling. However, one quick flick can quickly bring you from one end of the alphabet to the next. If you are having trouble finding the file you want, you can always do a search by typing in the name of the file on your player, which I find to be handy is slow at times. If you tilt the player sideways, you can browse for music via the Matrix mode, which is a compilation of all your album art. If you want to browse for pictures, then you can do it by thumbnail, though it does take a few seconds to load all the art.

Sound Quality: The J3 has some of the best sound-quality I have ever heard. Music coming through the built-in speaker is absolutely wonderful. There's no static or noise or anything to interfere with the music. However, do note that the sound quality in the stock earphones seems to be horrible. The first time I wore them I heard static. However, this disappeared when I went outside for a stroll. I wonder if it was just a connection problem. I haven't used them since since I haven't gotten a chance to test out my J3 outside yet. The J3 is known best for its BBE equalizers. However, I have yet to understand how to use them so I haven't been able to test them out yet.

Games and Apps: Perhaps no player can compare to the iPod Touch when it comes to apps. The Cowon J3 only has one game equipped: Hunter. Hunter is a game that utilizes the player's gravity sensor. The player has to tilt the player around in order to move an animal head around the screen. The goal of the game is to see how long you can last without being hit by one of the countless black dots floating across the screen. There's also a few handy-dandy apps (called Utilities) installed. These are a four-function calculator, a notepad, a keyboard, and a little memo pad.

Buttons: Unlike most touch-screen players out there, the J3 does not have a hardware home button. Instead, the home button can be pressed on the touch-screen. However, there are buttons for power/hold, volume adjustment, play/pause, and fast forward/rewind. These buttons can be found on the right hand side of the player and are readily available when searching for them in your pocket.

Overall I am very satisfied with this player. However, for a price this expensive, I was hoping for a little more, particularly for the quality of the case, which feels cheap when holding it in your hand. I've had very few bugs with this player so far (Hopefully, it stays that way). I just wish that there was a better way to organize my files so that, when I change the ID3 tags, I won't have to redo the lyrics all over again. I'm also finding my gravity sensor to not be sensitive. It often takes me several big tilts in order for the screen to go into Matrix mode when browsing for music. Again, it's not too much of a bother for me since I rarely use the Matrix mode anyhow but I can see where this might be a bother if you like to browse via album art.

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
Daybreakers is perhaps the shuddering wake-up call to Twilight fans. It is now the year 2019, and a plague outbreak ten years ago has turned most of the population into vampires. However, as time goes on, the human population is threatening to go into extinction and, with that, the vampires' blood supply. The blood supply is already dwindling enough as it is and more and more vampires are becoming "subsiders", vampires that have mutated due to lack of blood. Hematologist Edward Dalton (Ethan Hawke) is racing to find a substitute blood supply. However, when he befriends a small band of humans, he might just have found something that is much better than a simple blood substitute: a cure. Of course, it'll only work if he can get the full cooperation of Mr. Bromley (Sam Neill), the vampire executive of the only company that's supplying blood. Whatever the case may be, Dalton must finalize the cure before the blood supply is gone and the human population becomes totally extinct.

This movie takes a middle stance between the traditional and contemporary vampire fight. While vampires like Edward Dalton still have some bit of humanity in them (refusing to use the human population like cattle and to drink their blood), there's a large majority of vampires that don't quite care about the survival of the human population. Instead, with their blood supply dwindling, it all comes down to their true natures as survival instincts are kicked in. There are several scenes of graphic violence as dozens of vampires leap onto one human and begin feeding like crazy, from ripped organs to decapitated heads. And these are still the sane ones.

While this movie certainly isn't deserving of an A-rating, it does have its perks. First the splendid acting by Ethan Hawke, Sam Neill, and Willem DaFoe. Then there's also the cool technology all the cars in the movie now have, technology designed especially for vampires to drive during the day without exposing themselves to sunlight. Other than that, the entire movie is actually quite silly. There are quite a number of things left unexplained. The first method of curing is actually quite a ridiculous cure method, and the second method makes even less sense. Except for a few brief meetings between vampires and vampires or vampires and humans in the attempt to find a blood substitute or cure, there's really no plot to the movie. Instead, the movie is filled mainly with bloody feeding frenzies. Cut out those feeding scenes, and you've really got nothing else. The movie also ends in a cliffhanger, which I find to be a rather pathetic event. There's no widespread use of the cure or anything. Instead, you only find the three humans (two cured vampires and one human) driving/running away into the sunset with a voice-over that says that there's a cure and it's not too late to change.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy to spot the vampires in this movie. Their only distinguishing feature are their golden eyes, but those are rarely distinguishable. You don't see any fangs unless they're feeding. There's really nothing to tell that they are vampires if you place them next to a human, provided that the two can stand next to one another without the vampire going crazy and completely dismembering the human. Yikes. The subsiders, on the other hand, are extremely easy to tell that they're...well, a subsider, for they've degenerated into beings that are a cross between human and bat. All in all, I'm quite disappointed by this lack of distinguishing characteristics for vampires. This movie hasn't at all introduced a revolutionary characteristic of vampires.

Despite my criticism, the movie is still nevertheless a good movie to watch to pass the time. It's really just a stimulant to the senses. It's a nice chase thriller but it's lacking a good plot or catchy dialogue. Nor are there any memorable characters or settings. In the end, Daybreakers, at 98 minutes, is really just a horror/thriller movie for fun only.

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The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 Agustus 2010 0 komentar
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks is the latest addition to The Legend of Zelda series and is also the long-awaited sequel to Phantom Hourglass. This time, it's a game for the DS. Yet another generation of the classic Link and Zelda pair has emerged. This time, instead of being a boat captain like in Phantom Hourglass, Link is now an engineer as he drives his train around various parts of the realm. After an encounter with the enemy, Zelda has lost her body and now follows Link in spirit form. Along the way, she'll take possession of metal knights known as Phantoms to help Link out on his travels. Together, they must travel from one realm to the next in order to restore the Spirit Tracks and the Tower of Spirits to defeat the evil demon that is threatening to escape, all the while battling various enemies and playing tunes on the Spirit Flute.

Spirit Tracks is certainly a must-have for DS gamers. It features hours after hours of exciting fun. If you've always wanted to be an engineer, try your hand out at the train and see how you fare. Even if you never wanted to become one, driving the Spirit Train around is always a fun task.

All the characters in the game are absolutely the cutest little sprites ever. Even the enemies, from the pudgy Moink to the round Spinut, are very cute. Sometimes it's almost heartbreaking to kill these cute little villains. The dialogue is also quite amusing to read, especially Zelda's sheltered life, and poor Link happens to be the victim of constant shaking.

The controls for Spirit Tracks have been introduced to a few new changes from Phantom Hourglass, though not much. You still control Link by using the stylus on the bottom touch-screen. His attack controls are still the same as Phantom Hourglass. Draw a circle to make Link do a spin attack or tap an enemy for Link to stab. However, you can now make Link roll around in the grass by simply tapping twice in the same place. This is much better than Phantom Hourglass, where players had to draw tiny circles near the bottom of the screen. The new improved control at least makes sure that Link will indeed roll instead of just running in that direction like it often did in Phantom Hourglass.

However, in dungeon mode, the player no longer controls only Link. Instead, Zelda can also now be controlled, as soon as she takes possession of a Phantom. To control Zelda, the player draws a path for Zelda to follow. Otherwise, she would just follow wherever Link goes. Zelda's role in the game is very useful as she will help Zelda solve obstacles. She can block fire or carry Link across lava pits. I personally find the controls for Zelda to move a little too fast. Often times I end up drawing inaccurate paths because of how fast the screen moves. However, when Zelda actually moves, she is ridiculously slow.

After each completion of a certain realm, Link will have to face a boss battle. The boss battle will span both screen so players must make sure to also check out the top screen in case the boss ever takes off and is preparing to strike. Players must use a variety of methods, such as combining the Whirlwind and Link's sword in order to defeat the first boss.

Instead of a boat, Link will no be driving a train through the Spirit Tracks. Players will find themselves constantly riding the train in order to go from one location to the next. Along the way, Link will find a bunch of obstacles, from Dark Trains to pesky animals hogging up the tracks. To chase away pesky animals, Link can pull on the train whistle to scare them off. For more annoying critters, there's always the well-aimed cannon to solve problems. Heheh. The train is rather slow, even at its top speed, but all is made up for the soothing music that plays during travel.

Speaking of which, the music is absolutely wonderful. It is very soothing to listen to and I often find myself prolonging a level just to listen to the awesome soundtrack.

A new feature to the game is the Whirlwind. After acquiring the item in the Forest Realm, the player can now use blow into the microphone to do a variety of tasks. When the player blows into the microphone in dungeon mode, a whirlwind is summoned to stun enemies, blow away piles of leaves or any other objects to solve puzzles (such as getting otherwise inaccessible keys or blowing away poisonous gas). You'll be using this quite a lot in the earlier portion of the game, so be ready to constantly puffing your cheeks to blow into the microphone. It might be a good idea not to play this game in public as this will certainly draw some unwanted attention as people try to figure out why exactly you're blowing at your DS.

There is also the new Spirit Flute, which also requires you to blow into the microphone in order to play tunes. The Spirit Flutes will be given to you by Zelda and you'll need it to play songs that will due a variety of tasks such as awakening statues or healing yourself. But, most importantly, you'll need the Flute to complete duets with the Lokomos (Guardians of the Tower of Spirits) in order to repair the Spirit Tracks and the broken Tower of Spirits. Players will need to tap the flute with their stylus and drag it from one pipe to another and blow with various degrees of length and speed to complete tunes. Playing the tunes can be somewhat difficult, as the player also has to move the flute at the same time.

For those that aren't so good at games or find themselves stuck in a certain puzzles, there is the Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Official Guide from Prima. The guide provides a thorough walkthrough of the game, from where items are located to how to defeat enemies. There's a dozen pictures with captions on every page, and there are also a ton of marked maps to help you find the desired object. There's also a legendary checklist at the end to help you make sure that you got everything, from heart containers to increase your life to various pieces of treasures. Even if you're not quite stuck, this guide is an excellent companion to the game. For one thing, the beautiful colors and graphics is every reason to buy it. The guide can be bought at various bookstores for $19.99. Thankfully, my local library had a copy so I was able to borrow it. With this guide, you'll no longer have to fear  getting stuck in the game again.

Overall, I am very pleased with this new game in the Legend of Zelda franchise. From soothing music to beautiful graphics, what more do you want? And, to top it all off, there's a perfect balance of suspense, danger, and humor to lighten things up a bit. This is a must-have addition for your DS game collection. It's perfect for people of all ages (though the rating says above ten). So, what are you waiting for? Go to your local game store and buy a copy of Spirit Tracks today!

UPDATE: It's been two months now since I last began playing Spirit Tracks and I'm now almost done with the game. I always find it amusing that whenever I pick up the game after a long time of inactivity, I always find the train to be going at a considerable fast pace. Afterward though the speed just slows down. I guess it's all just perspective now. One thing that I've noticed and has always bothered me is that if I ever save and turn off the game whilst in the middle of a dungeon, I am returned to the dungeon entrance when I turn on the game again. That means most of my progress (except for the items acquired and doors unlocked) is lost, and I have to redo everything. I find this to be extremely annoying and time-wasting. For example, if I had a lot of trouble getting past a certain puzzle and, after hours of failures, I finally got past it, I now need to work on spending  that amount of time again in order to advance. I wish the game-makers did not do that.

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